There are many personal finance books out there to help you manage your money better, but it’s actually not so easy to know which ones are a fit for your financial situation.
With our best selections with help from professional sources like Forbes and Investopedia, we have been able to put together a list of ten books that can help you invest, manage, save, and ultimately help foster a healthy relationship with your money wherever you are in your financial journey.
- ‘The Millionaire Next Door,’ by Thomas J. Stanley and William D. Danko
First published in 1996 and reissued in 2010, this New York Times bestseller proves that almost anyone at any financial level can save and invest their way to wealth if they live below their means and invest right.
“The Millionaire Next Door” is an easy read that is centered on stories and interviews with hundreds of millionaires. The millionaires featured in this book are not millionaires from family fortunes or inheritances but from saving and investing money over time.
- ‘I Will Teach You To Be Rich,’ by Ramit Sethi
In this book, New York Times and Wall Street Journal bestseller Ramit Sethi, reveals practical tips on not only saving money, but also ways to use credit cards to maximize rewards. The updated 10th-anniversary edition features success stories of readers who have actually gotten wealthy from reading this book.
- “Dollars and Sense: How We Misthink Money and How to Spend Smarter” by Dan Ariely and Jeff Kreisler.
This book outlines the problematic way humans approach money and the reasons why most people lose control over their spending. It also features real-life examples to provide practical advice to help overcome irrational money habits and tips to help save and invest better.
- ‘The Year Of Less,’ by Cait Flanders
This book follows the journey of author Cait Flanders’ who went from a $30,000 debt from buying only consumable things to saving more than half of her income. ‘The Year Of Less’ offers a practical perspective on how and why spending less could lead to a happier life.
- ‘But First, Save 10,’ by Sarah Catherine Gutierre
Sarah Catherine Gutierrez’s book, ‘But First, Save 10,’ is great for anyone who wants to break the habit of overspending and start building up their savings. It also gives a professional perspective on the importance of investing part of your income.
- “This Is the Year I Put My Financial Life in Order” by John Schwartz.
This 2018 book is based on the four pillars of personal finance – budgeting, saving, banking and investing and is great for anyone who wants to save efficiently and build wealth.
- “Get a Financial Life,” by Beth Kobliner
This New York Times bestseller is aimed at guiding millennials and young adults through the world of personal finance. It provides tips on paying off your credit cards and student loans, saving up, and making smart investments.
- “The Financial Diet,” by Chelsea Fagan and Lauren Ver Hage
This is another great book focused on young adults and millennials. This book lays the groundwork for young professionals and finance beginners that want to learn more about finance. It also dives into the importance of investing and saving for retirement.
- “The Money Manual,” by Tonya B. Rapley
“The Money Manual” is an engaging and approachable book with finance tips that are relatable no matter your income or financial situation. It focuses on the importance of budgeting, saving, and the importance of planning.
- “Get Good With Money,” by Tiffany “The Budgetnista” Aliche
In this book, award-winning teacher of financial education, Tiffany Aliche shares her own journey on how she overcame debt and financial hardships. “Get Good With Money,” is a great guide for saving and building wealth through financial wholeness.